Bestfactor Weight Loss and Immune System Booster All In Two

When I started to write about Bestfactor in my review, I was all in for a weight loss supplement. However, I did know about the Bestfactor immune booster system.

But, to be honest! I thought the Immune booster was created to sweeten the deal and to make a few bucks extra! But I was wrong!

With Bestfactor, you are going to a powerful health combo, taking care of your weight loss diet and your immune system at the same time. But remember, both Bestfactor Plus and Max can be used as stand-alone supplements as well.

In this review, we will take a closer look at exactly what Best Factor is all about. You will learn how these supplements can help you lose weight and improve your immune system.

First, let’s get started with Bestfactor Max, a powerful weight loss supplement containing some of the world’s more powerful weight loss ingredients.

What is Bestfactor Max?

With Best factor Max, you will get a weight loss supplement with some powerful weight loss benefits that can push even the most stubborn weight loss diet forward.

For people who want to lose weight but are not getting any results despite maintaining a low-calorie diet, Best factor Plus can be just the right solution that will start to make you lose weight.

Let’s have a quick look at some of the benefits.

  • It creates a thermogenic effect in your body, meaning a high heat production.
  • Help you to maintain and increase muscle mass (if you are working out)
  • Boost your metabolism to burn more calories
  • Increase your body’s fat-burning abilities
  • Suppress your appetite
  • Give you a better fat oxidation
  • Provides you with a B-Vitamin combo, scientifically proven to work for weight loss
  • All-natural
  • Made in the USA, in an FDA approved facility

Why Use Bestfactor Max for Your Weight Loss?

Bestfactor is not just a supplement; You can call it a 3 in one, plus a couple of extra ingredients that will take your weight loss to the next level.

When you buy Best Factor, Max, you are getting the same ingredients as you would normally get from three of the most popular supplements on the market today. We are talking about Garcinia Cambogia, Raspberry Ketone, and Tonalin (CLA).

Let’s take a closer look at how these main ingredients will make you lose weight.

Garcinia Cambogia

Help you to lose weight in a couple of ways! First, it will stop your level from converting fat and carbohydrates into body storage fat. It also means that your body will start to use more fat from your body as an energy source.

Second, the HCA (Hydroxy Citric Acid) found in Garcinia Cambogia will suppress your appetite so that you will feel full and satisfied faster. The appetite suppressant abilities in Garcinia Cambogia are very smart!

Instead of filling your stomach with fibers, HCA will increase the serotonin levels to make you stay more active and happy. It means you will stop binge eating and, that way, suppress your appetite.

Raspberry Ketone

Raspberry Ketone, Dr. Oz. Absolute favorite weight loss supplements a couple of years back. Raspberry ketones increase your thermogenesis (your body’s heat production) and lipolysis (breakdown of body fat).

Raspberry Ketone also increases Adiponectin, a fat-burning hormone that will stimulate fat absorption inhibition and aid in fat oxidation.

Tonalin (CLA)

When it comes to CLA, you are not getting any higher quality than the CLA from Tonalin®. CLA stands for conjugated linoleic acid and can lower your body’s fat index. It also stimulates an increased number of fat-burning processes to be stimulated in your body cells. It will stimulate LPL enzyme production, which means less fat will be stored in your body.

CLA also stimulates  CPT enzyme production to burn off the fat you are getting from your diet faster.


Taurine is an amino acid that, in a higher dosage, will give you a couple of overall health and weight loss benefits. When getting Taurine with Bestfactor Max, it will be easier to maintain the muscle mass you have on your body, and that way, keep your metabolism high.

Taurine is also an excellent antioxidant that will keep your body toxin-free.


It gives you more energy and perfects if you need extra energy for a gym visit or a power walk.

It can help you to lose weight by improving your metabolism.

All The B-Vitamins

All help you to lose weight in different ways, from suppressing your appetite to increasing your metabolism.

Bestfactor to lose weight

>> Click Here to Learn More or to Buy Bestfactor Today <<

What is Bestfactor Plus?

Bestfactor Plus is an immune system booster that makes your body better capable of coping with stress, diseases, and all the other factors that may endanger your health and weight loss diet. It also helps you improve your athletic performance, gives you relief when it comes to allergy, and improves your overall digestive system and hormone balance.

Let’s have a quick look at some of the many benefits this Immune system will give you.

  • Overall improvement of your immune system
  • Make your body’s immune cells stronger
  • Give you better health and wellness
  • Lower the risk of infections
  • Help you to avoid allergies
  • Improve your digestive system
  • Get a better hormone balance

Why Use Bestfactor Plus to Boost Your Immune System?

This immune booster is packed with ingredients and patented proprietary blends that stand out and help you get a better immune system.

You can either use Bestfactor Plus as a stand-alone supplement or combine it with Bestfactor Plus and get a potent weight loss combo.

Below you will find out exactly what and how Best Factor Plus will boost your immune system.


Wellmune results from more than $300 million in research, and it binds to your body’s immune cells. Combined, they spread out in your body, removing the toxins and waste products that weaken your body’s immune system.

Wellmune helps you get rid of stress, allergy, muscle soreness, colds and flus, lifestyle stress, and a lot of other factors that are reducing your quality of life.

Manuka Honey

With Manuka honey, you are going to be able to remove antibacterial compounds in your body. It is a great way to prevent flu and colds from developing. If you are starting to get a sore throat, Manuka Honey can help you reduce inflammation, so you are not ending up with a cough.

Manuka Honey can also remove more serious bacterias like Helicobacter Pylori that are causing stomach ulcers, and Escherichia Coli develops when you have a wound.

No other honey has the same antibacterial effects as Manuka Honey


Colostrum is quite interesting because it is a part of the first mammary secretion a mother is passing on to her newborn child, and it only lasts for a couple of hours.

The Colostrum Bestfactor will give you not coming from mothers breastfeeding their children but from cows. It contains immunoglobulin protein factors that give humans the following benefit.

  • A better immune system
  • Improvement of your digestive system
  • Balancing your hormones
  • A quick muscle and strength recovery


Zinc is the must-have ingredient that plays such a huge factor in many different functions in your body. It would help if you had it for your thyroid function, wound healing, sight, and immune healing. Men also need zinc for testosterone and semen production.

Zinc can also help you to fight various diseases and bacteria infections.


Deriving from citrus fruits and help you to maintain overall health. Ensuring healthy levels will improve your health and help you to reduce cholesterol levels.

Vitamin C, D, E

It helps you with everything from viruses spreading to maintaining overall health.

Vitamin D has also been shown to be very effective when it comes to improving bones and teeth. Your overall immune system also needs all Vitamins.

Why Combine Bestfactor Max plus?

In The Terms of Losing Weight

Normally when you are going on a weight loss diet, you gradually break down your immune system. Low-calorie dieting does take its toll on your body and releases cortisol. It is a stress hormone that will weaken your immune system, making it easier to catch various colds and viruses. When your immune system loses its strength, it will also slow down your weight loss diet, and you will start to lose less weight per week.

Combining Bestfactor Max and Plus

>> Click Here to Learn More or to Buy Bestfactor Today <<

Using Bestfactor Plus together with Max will make your weight loss supplement far more effective because your immune system will remain safe and sound. No cortisol is present in your body to slow down your weight loss. Your body will stay stronger and primed for weight loss.

When it Comes to Improving Your Immune System

When you want to improve your immune system, it is always a good idea to make an overall assessment of your current weight. If you weigh too much, it is recommended to go on a diet. It will only make your immune system stronger and better.

So instead of wanting to lose weight or boost your immune system, why not use this opportunity to improve your overall health and quality of life. It is what it is all about, right?

Remember, You Don’t Have to Combine Max and Plus.

Remember, both supplements are pretty effective on their own. Both are great standalone supplements that can get you a long way speaking of weight loss and boosting your immune system.

My Bestfactor Review

So what do I think about Bestfactor and will I recommend it?

I like the idea of combining a weight loss supplement with an immune booster. Often when we go on a diet, we are way too focused on losing as much weight as fast as possible, without thinking so much about our health.

Improving your immune system when you are losing weight is a great way to make you stay healthy. A better immune system will also help you to increase your metabolism and burn more body fat.

Bestfactor Max

You are getting a lot of value for your money, and $69.95 you have to pay for one bottle is money, but not a lot, thinking the value you are getting.

Best Factor Plus combines Raspberry Ketone, Garcinia Cambogia, and CLA.

I like that Bestfactor has decided to combine three of the most powerful weight loss ingredients. It means your weight loss will be targeted with a far more effective approach. Also, there is a lot of scientific studies behind all the ingredients.

One Negative Thought Caffeine!

However, one thing I do not like about Best Factor Max is that it comes with caffeine! Yes, caffeine can make you lose weight and increase your energy levels. But, you are probably already getting a lot of caffeine daily from coffee, tea, and soft drinks.

Too much caffeine will give you sleepless nights, restlessness, and an irregular heart rhythm.

Bestfactor Plus

Both Wellmune, Manuka Honey, and Colostrum are well-proven ingredients when it comes to improving your immune system.

With Bestfactor Plus, you get a powerful immune system booster that is perfect to use whether you want to use it alone or together with Best Factor Max. Finally, something new and exciting!

Again, $59.95 for a bottle of Bestfactor is money, but not a lot thinking that this supplement has been formulated and made in a lab facility in the USA, under the supervision of the FDA.

Our Verdict
  • Overall - 8/10
  • Effectiveness - 7/10
  • Ease of Use - 8/10
  • Safety - 7/10
  • Price - 7/10


Pros: – A lot of value in both supplements – Proven science and studies behind – Made in The United States – Customer support available – Free shipping – 100% Guaranteed satisfaction Cons: – Contains caffeine – The effectiveness has not been evaluated by the FDA

How to Buy Bestfactor

Important Update September 2019!

For your information, Bestfactor Max and Plus are no longer available! It simply doesn’t exist anymore!

If you are looking for a similar weight loss supplement, I highly recommend you to check out Phen24. It is a supplement that will give you similar benefits and make you lose weight 24-hours a day.

To learn more, check out this Phen24 review.

The best you can do if you want to buy the Bestfactor supplement is to purchase directly from the manufacturer. You guarantee that you are getting a supplement that is genuine and 100% pure.

To learn more, click on the link below.

>> Click Here to Learn More or to Buy Bestfactor Today <<

Don’t Forget to Check Out These Great Fat Burners

Keep in mind that many other great fat burners out there can help you lose weight. If you are looking for a supplement with scientific support, check out Dr. Sam Robbins’ Lean Optimizer. It is a fat burner geared towards helping you avoid the dreaded weight loss plateau that most of us experience when we are trying to lose weight.

You have already heard a lot about the keto diet and its effectiveness when trying to lose weight. But the truth is that most keto dieters will never reach what is called true ketosis. It is the state where your body finally will be burning ketones coming from fat instead of glucose. To make it easier for yourself to reach ketosis, you can use a supplement like KetoCharge. It is an exogenous ketone supplement that will get you into ketosis and make you stay there.